THOMAS NEVIN wedding and photogaphs of the HALL
Formerly Delsarte’s building and the IOOF Lodge. Photo © KLW NFC 2011 ARR
The Loyal United Brothers Lodge
Professional photographer Thomas J. Nevin became a member of the LOYAL UNITED BROTHERS LODGE, A. & I.O.O.F. (Australian and International Order of Odd Fellows) in 1869 and fulfilled several roles within the Society, including official photographer, committee member for the Anniversary Ball held at the Bird and Hand Hotel, and agent for the Secretary. During September 1875, he placed an advertisement in the Hobart Mercury soliciting members of the medical profession to render services to Lodge members and their families.
The Lodge members met regularly at the new Odd Fellows' Hall on the corner of Davey and Harrington, Hobart. Thomas J. Nevin took an official photograph of the new Odd Fellows' Hall in July 1871 for the AIOOF. The newspaper reports lauded his photograph as "creditable to the artist" (Mercury 25 July 1871) and "from its excellence, is likely to command a large sale" (Mercury 10 August 1871).
The Launceston Examiner reported that the new Odd Fellows' Hall was inaugurated at a dinner on Thursday 6 July 1871. The need for a photograph to issue to members, families and prospective members would commemorate the event, and Thomas Nevin duly obliged.
Launceston Examiner, Saturday 8 July 1871.
NEW ODD FELLOWS' HALL, HOBART TOWN. -Thomas Nevin attended the grand soiree on 6 July 1871 with his fiancée Elizabeth Rachel Day. They married exactly six days later, on 12th July 1871, at the Wesleyan Chapel Kangaroo Valley (now Lenah Valley) Hobart. With sponsorship from senior echelons in government through commission from the Grand Lodge membership, Thomas J. Nevin's financial security and standing within the professional community was nurtured and assured.
The new Odd Fellows' Hall (formerly Del Sarte's) was inaugurated on Thursday evening by a grand soiree, the proceedings at which occupy several columns of the local paper. Amongst those present at the soiree were the Hon. J. M. Wilson, Esq., M.L.C., Vice-patrons of the Order, the Hon. Mr. Kennerly, M.L.C., Mayor of Hobart Town &c., &c.
The following marriage notice appeared in the Mercury of July 14th, 1871.
NEVIN-DAY - On Wednesday, 12th July, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Kangaroo Valley, by the Rev. J. Hutchison [sic], Thomas, eldest son of Mr. J. Nevin, of Kangaroo Valley, to Elizabeth Rachael [sic], eldest daughter of Captain Day, of Hobart Town.Their wedding photograph has survived in family collections:
Wedding portrait of Thomas James Nevin and Elizabeth Rachel Day, Hobart, Tasmania, July 12th 1871.
Verso inscription: "Grandma and Grandfather Nevin"
Copyright © KLW NFC Private Collection 2003 ARR. Watermarked
Thomas Nevin's photograph of the Odd Fellows' Hall
The photograph of the Odd Fellows' Hall taken by Thomas J. Nevin, however, is yet to surface from public collections, despite the likelihood that Nevin reproduced it in quantity in anticipation of large sales. The photograph below of the Odd Fellows' Hall is accredited to Nevin's lifelong close friend and colleague Henry Hall Baily (whose studio in Elizabeth St. Hobart faced Nevin's in the 1860s), and it is dated some five years later, ca. 1876. It does not appear to be a later reproduction of Nevin's original photograph, as the description in the Mercury of the 25th July 1871 mentioned two people captured in the camera's range.
Courtesy University of Tasmania Library Special and Rare Materials Collection.
Note: "Photograph of Davey Street, Hobart, looking east, in about 1876. The photograph is taken from the intersection with Harrington Street and Oddfellows Hall is in the foreground. The photographer was Henry Hall Baily who had studios in Elizabeth and Liverpool Streets, Hobart from 1865 until 1918."Link:
However, the University of Tasmania holds two photographs taken from the same vantage point, but taken at different times. The one above shows untrimmed bushes in front of the house in Davey Street, but the one below shows the same bushes neatly trimmed. This one (below) is dated 1880, and unattributed.
Courtesy University of Tasmania Library Special and Rare Materials Collection.
Davey Street from the corner of Harrington St. ca. 1880 (?)
The press duly noted the event and praised Thomas Nevin's photograph per these notices:
Source: Mercury, 25 July 1871
THE ODD FELLOWS' HALL - A very fine photograph of the Odd Fellows' Hall (corner of Davey and Harrington-streets) has been taken for the Society by Mr. Nevin, of Elizabeth-street. The view is taken from Davey-street, opposite the corner of the Freemasons' Hotel, and thus shows the entrance to the rooms, with the whole front and side of the buildings. A well-known member of the institution, and a less known youth, have come within the range of the camera, and their presence greatly assists in conveying an idea of the dimensions of the hall. The picture is undoubtedly creditable to the artist.
Source: Mercury, 25 July 1871
Source: Mercury 10 August 1871
... Mr. Nevin, of Elizabeth-street, has taken a photograph of the Odd Fellows' Hall, which from its excellence, is likely to command a large sale.
Camille Del Sarte: origins of the building
The building on the corner of Harrington and Davey Streets, at 57 Davey St. Hobart, was founded by Monsieur Camille Del Sarte as a concert and music hall, designed by Mr. F. Thomas, and opened officially on Thursday, 17th May 1860. This remarkable report of the occasion was published in the Hobart Town Daily Mercury, Monday 21 May 1860, page 2:
Hobart Town Daily Mercury, Monday 21 May 1860, page 2:
The new Music Hall, erected by M. Del Sarte, at the corner of Davey and Harrington Street, was opened for the first time on Thursday evening in the presence of a large number of the gentry and principal inhabitants of Hobart Town, who had received cards of invitation. The object of the assembly was to test the acoustic properties of the Hall, and its fitness for the purpose to which it is devoted.
The Hall, access to which is gained by a broad flight of stairs, presents to the visitor on the folding doors being thrown open, a superb appearance from the chaste and appropriate manner in which the apartment is decorated. The room, which is 66 feet by 38 feet wide and 23 feet high, is lighted by a lantern light upwards of 50 feet in length, divided into compartments by semi-circular arched ribs, springing from light and elegant columns on either side. The ceiling of each compartment, as well as the sides of the lantern, are panelled and finished in white and gold, and in each compartment of ceiling is a large centre formed with small mirrors, with splendid glass chandeliers pendent from the centres. The walls of the Hall are panelled, each alternate panel bearing a medallion embellished with fruit and flowers. The panels are formed of styles of figured gilt, with borders of China aster, the panel part being very delicately colored, and enclosed in louis quatorze frames, which, with the medallions, produce an excellent effect. When the Hall is lighted the reflected light from the innumerable little mirrors in the centres and other points of reflection, together with the chaste and classical decorations of the whole apartment, presents a marvellously brilliant but subdued and elegant appearance.
The room, which is furnished with appropriate benches, is capable of being used, not only as a Concert Hall, but as a Ball Room, and possesses also a proscenium and conveniences for the erection of a temporary stage, which renders it well adapted for selections from the Opera or the performances of any of the sparkling vaudevilles of the day; the aisles also affording every facility for promenade concerts. In conjunction with with the Hall are rooms tastefully fitted up as a cloak and dressing rooms for ladies, with Refreshment and Card Rooms. From the lobby leading to the principal stair-case are entrance doors leading to the Ladies' Toilette Rooms, from which a separate stair-case leads to the landing immediately outside the principal entrance to the Concert Room.
The Hall possesses the advantage also of being readily converted into a picture gallery having rods for hanging the pictures concealed within the walls.
On entering the ground floor of the house is a promenade which can be closed as may be required and which will add greatly to the enjoyment of those visiting the hall on occasions on which the room is too densely crowded.
The company having assembled M. Del Sarte sang Sans Amour, the Marseillaise being also performed by Mr. Bremmall. And here the careful attention which had been bestowed in the construction of the roof and the strict regard paid to the best known principles of acoustics were eminently apparent, the music and voices being heard with beautiful and softened distinctness, the louder notes being replied to by a fine and perfect harmonic echo. The test was acclaimed as perfectly satisfactory, and M. Del Sarte was warmly congratulated upon the happy success which has attended that gentleman's energetic and unceasing effort to place at our disposal a Concert Room in itself, so far as decoration is regarded, an exquisite bijou, and so perfect in its means of conveyance of vocal and instrumental harmony.
The concert having closed the health of the talented and spirited proprietor was proposed and heartily drunk, M. Del Sarte being highly complimented on the spirit which has enabled him in these somewhat dull times to incur the expence [sic] attending upon the construction of the Hall. The press, coupled with the name of Mr. Davies of this journal, was also proposed and responded to, and the company separated wishing every success to M. Del Sarte in an undertaking so well deserving the warmest support of all lovers of the choicest selections from the works of the most gifted musicians of the past or present age, and as we understand that M. Del Sarte intends to institute a Philharmonic Society on the same basis as those upon which the Kindred Societies in London are founded, we can have no doubt that at length the delightful means of enjoyment which such societies present will be open to those who have been so long lamenting the absence of such a society in our city.
We cannot conclude our notice of the New Concert Hall without noticing the great amount of skill and ability which Mr. F. Thomas, the architect has brought to bear upon the construction of the building, and the pains he has taken to make the Hall as it is second to no Concert Hall in finish or fitness to any in the colonies.
Article continued ... lengthy description of architectural features, interior decor and future plans for performances....
Source: M. DEL[?]RTE'S NEW MUSIC HALL. (1860, May 21). The Hobart Town Daily Mercury (Tas. : 1858 - 1860), p. 2.
Obituary: Camille Del Sarte (1817-1877)
"DEATH OF MONS. DEL SARTE"Source: Hobart Mercury (3 July 1877), 3
Among the music-loving public of Tasmania, and more especially that of the metropolis, no name was more familiar in, years gone by than that of Camille Del Sarte. But it has now to be recorded on the toll of the departed; for at one o'clock yesterday morning the distinguished music-master, after a very short illness, breathed his last at his residence in Macquarie-street, bronchitis being the immediate cause of death.
Camille Del Sarte was a native of Paris, but he arrived in this colony from the island of Java about 22 years ago. Soon after his arrival here he purchased what now forms the residence of the Venerable Archdeacon Davies, and for some years the deceased resided there. He had not been long in Hobart Town before his name as a practical and theoretical teacher of music became a household word in Tasmania; and so rapid was his early success in these branches of the divine art that in 1856 he had built for the purposes of his profession and at his own cost that substantial building in Harrington-street, now known as the Oddfellows' Hall, but which was originally known as Del Sarte's Rooms. The speculation was not, however, the success its enterprising proprietor had anticipated, and eventually he parted with the property. At the time of the volunteer movement, Mons. Del Sarte held the position of band-master in the Artillery corps, and within the last two years he was entrusted with the conductorship of the Hobart Town City Band.
About the year 1869 the deceased left Hobart Town and took up his abode in Sydney, and there for a time he had an excellent practise. Unfortunately, however, he was induced to enter into mining speculations, and these turning out unremunerative, Mons. Del Sarte lost a considerable sum of money. He remained in Sydney about seven years, and only returned to Hobart Town between two and three years ago. His long absence from the colony, however, had almost completely broken the connection which he had formerly made; and although his reputation as a master in his profession was as great as ever, he was not able to regain the high position which he had occupied before he left the colony. Deceased had long been subject to bronchitis; but the malady did not manifest itself in a serious form until Wednesday last, when Mons. Del Sarte was obliged to curtail his music lessons.
He continued to get worse daily, and, as we have already said, his life was brought to a close at one o'clock yesterday morning. Monsieur Del Sarte was a married man, and we regret to say that he has left behind him a sorrowing widow and five young children. The deceased was about 60 years of age.
"DEATHS"Source: The Mercury (4 July 1877), 1
DEL SARTE. - On the 2nd of July, at his late residence, 56 Macquarie-street, Camille Auguste Del Sarte, in the 60th year of his age. The funeral will take place from St. Joseph's Church for Cornelian Bay Cemetery, at 2 p.m. THIS DAY, Wednesday, the 4th.
This work by Camille Del Sarte is only one of two extant in manuscript (NLA Collection):
My tears for thee must ever flow (1868)
My tears for thee must ever flow, poetry by George Linley, music by C. Del-Sarte, Imperial Academy of Music and Opéra National Paris (Sydney: J. A. Engel, Printer, [1868])
Iconography: Order of Odd Fellows
Courtesy of the National Gallery of Australia
James FERGUSSON printer (lithographic)
Certificate for the Tasmanian Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Independent Order of Odd Fellows 24 February 1860
planographic lithograph, printed in colour, from multiple stones; hand-coloured; gilded
Impression: undesignated impression
Edition: edition unknown
printed image 60.6 h x 38.8 w cm
Gift of John McPhee, 2009
Accession No: NGA 2009.1066
- Thomas Nevin and the Loyal United Brothers Lodge
- Nevin's big tabletop stereograph viewer with Freemason
- The Royal Arms lion and unicorn studio stamp
- Thomas Nevin and H.H. Baily at the Regatta 1872
- T.J.Nevin biography 1842-1923