POSTS by URL date descending from January 2025 to 2007
Category: Supreme Court trials and convictions
- Rape, fraud, stabbing, perjury and a smoking jury: the Supreme Court Hobart 10-12 February 1876
- Thos J. Nevin, juror on the Casimaty case, SC Hobart, 1918
- Mugshots of Women Prisoners, Tasmania 1897-1910
- Prisoner Thomas RYAN 1867-1877
- Prisoner John FITZPATRICK and/or John FITZGERALD 1867-1885
- In a party mood: prisoner Michael LYNCH (as Horrigan, Harrigan or Sullivan), Christmas Eve, December 24th 1881
- Prisoner Cornelius HESTER, photograph by T. J. Nevin 1874
- T. J. NEVIN's cdv's of Wm PRICE and Wm YEOMANS; A. H. BOYD's testimony 1875
- Captains, emigrants and convicts: the summer of 1842-1843 in Hobart, VDL
- A missing photograph and missing letter: John SMITH (x 2) per "Mangles" and Lord Calthorpe
- Captain Goldsmith's "private friend" Edward Macdowell 1840s
- The case against Henry Stock (var. Stocks) 1884 for the murder of his wife and her child
- Prisoner Joseph WALMSLEY: a "queer-looking man" 1842-1891
- Prisoner James MARTIN: criminal career 1860s-1890s
- John Nevin at inquest for James Thornton 1889
- Prisoner Richard PHILLIPS 1874
- Prisoner George GROWSETT 1860 and 1873
- Exhibition 2019: T. J. NEVIN's mugshot of prisoner James BLANCHFIELD 1875
- Prisoner John NOWLAN alias DOWLING 1870 - 1876
- Prisoner William SAYER or SAWYER 1875
- Prisoner John APPLEBY 1873
- A glaring fraud: Joseph James COOPER aka the "Artful Dodger" 1875-1889
- Thomas Nevin's VIP commission 1872
- Prisoner James BRADY 1873-1874
- Prisoner William KELLOW 1872
- Prisoner John POPE 1881
- Prisoner William RYAN wholesale forger at the TMAG
- Prisoner Cornelius GLEESON 1873 and 1916
- Chief Justice Sir Francis Smith and prisoner George FISHER 1877
- Prisoner Alfred MALDEN or MALDON 1874
- Mugshots removed: Edward Searle's Album 1915
- Tombstones copied, Terms: - Cheap!
- Prisoner Thomas JEFFRIES, aka five-fingered Tom
- Prisoner Mark JEFFREY, a Port Arthur flagellator
- Carnal knowledge of children: convictions 1860s-1880s
- Prisoner Michael GILMORE and the NLA
- Prisoner Charles GARFORTH/GARFITT and the QVMAG
- Prisoner Thomas GRIFFIN
- Prisoner Nathan HUNT 1870s-1890s
- Mugshots removed: prisoner William FORD 1886
- Two mugshots of convict Hugh COHEN or Cowen/Cowan 1878
- Prisoner mugshots by Constable John Nevin to 1890
- "Securing a proper likeness": Tasmania, NSW and Victoria from 1871
- Disambiguation: James Day 52 yrs old and transported to VDL 1836
- Prisoner George WILLIS and Tasmanian police records 1872-1880
- Prisoner John SULLIVAN, cook and thief 1875
- Tasmanian crime statistics 1866-1875
- The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery holdings
- From Thomas Bock to Thomas Nevin: Supreme Court prisoner portraits
- The Supreme Court Mugshots taken by T.J Nevin from 1871 onwards
- Prisoners Sutherland and Stock: photos and death warrants 1883-1884
- Prisoner Phillip AYLWARD
- Poster boys 1991 of Tasmanian prisoners 1870s
- Prisoner Samuel PAUL
- 19th century prison photography: Tasmania 1872
- Executed at the Hobart Gaol: death warrants and photographs 1883-84
- Prisoner William HAYES 1872
- Prisoner Henry CAVANAGH 1873
- Prisoner James JONES alias Brocklehurst, known as Spider
- Prisoner John GREGSON
- Prisoner Walter JOHNSTONE aka Henry BRAMALL or TAYLOR
- Prisoner George LANGLEY
- Prisoner Job SMITH aka William Campbell
- Prisoner William BAKER
- Prisoner William ADAMS alias BURTON alias CORBY
- Prisoner Peter KILLEEN
- Prisoner John WILLIAMS
- Prisoner John MURPHY
- Prisoner John NORMAN or MORRISON
- Prisoner Elijah ELTON aka John Jones and 'Flash Jack'
- Prisoner John FUNT
- Prisoner John EDDINGTON
- Prisoner John DORAN
- Prisoner James HARRISON
- Prisoner James FOLEY
- Prisoner George ORMISTON
- Prisoner George GROWSETT 1860 and 1873
- Prisoner George BROWN as Thomas WILSON
- Prisoner Francis GREGSON
- Prisoner Charles HEYS [Hayes?] or WARD
- Prisoner William WELLHAM or WILLHEM
- Prisoner William PRICE
- Prisoner William HALL
- Prisoner John WHITE
- Prisoner John MERCHANT
- Prisoner John FINLAY or FINELLY
- Prisoner James CONLAW i.e. CONLAN
- Prisoner Henry WILLIAMS
- Prisoners Henry SINGLETON, Richard PINCHES, and Robert BEW
- Prisoners Hugh McCALLUM and George WILSON aka White, 1872
- Prisoner George JOHNSON
- Prisoner George EDIKER
- Prisoner Ephraim BOOTH
- Prisoner Duncan McDONALD
- Prisoner Denis DOGHERTY
- Prisoner Charles HEYS as WARD
- Prisoner William or John WOODLEY
- Prisoner William WALKER
- Prisoner William MUMFORD
- Prisoner Samuel EVANS
- Prisoner Robert WEST
- Prisoner John TOOMEY
- Prisoner Henry PAGE
- Prisoner John MORAN 1874
- Prisoner John F. MORRIS
- Prisoner James WYNNE [Wynn]
- Prisoner James HARPER like Oliver Twist
- Prisoner James CALHOUN
- Prisoner Charles DOWNES 1872-1875
- Prisoners Michael GILMORE and James KILPATRICK at the NLA
- Prisoner Thomas KELLY
- Prisoner Thomas GRIFFIN
- Prisoner James THOMAS
- Prisoner Thomas MOLINEAUX
- Prisoner Thomas WOOD as KEY 1873
- Prisoner Luke MARSHALL 1874
- Prisoner Thomas CAHILL
- Prisoner Leonard HAND
- Prisoner Robert J. McKAY
- Laterality: the poses in Nevin's portraits
- Prisoner portraits taken at trial and discharge 1870s
- Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery databases
- Well-groomed prisoners MORRIS and EVANS
- Sir Francis Smith, the death warrant, and the photographer
- Prison photographers: Nevin, Nettleton, and Crawford
- The execution of prisoners Sutherland and Ogden, Hobart Gaol 1883
- Prisoner Thomas OWENS with headrest