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Above: Albert E. Nevin (1888-1955), youngest son of Thomas and Elizabeth Nevin ca. 1917
Painted photograph. Copyright © KLW NFC Imprint 2003-2025 ARR

Welcome to Tasmanian Photographer Thomas J. Nevin at Blogger.com.

Professional photographer Thomas James Nevin snr (1842-1923) produced large numbers of stereographs and cartes-de-visite within his commercial practice, and prisoner identification photographs on government contract. His career spanned nearly three decades, from the early 1860s to the late 1880s. He was one of the first photographers to work with the police in Australia, along with Charles Nettleton (Victoria) and Frazer Crawford (South Australia). His Tasmanian prisoner mugshots are among the earliest to survive in public collections, e.g. at the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, Launceston; the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart; the Tasmanian Heritage and Archives Office, Hobart; the Port Arthur Historic Site, Tasman Peninsula; the National Library of Australia, Canberra; and the Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, Sydney. Thomas J. Nevin's stereographs and portraits are held in public and private collections in Australia, New Zealand, the USA, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Denmark, France and Switzerland.

How to Use This Weblog
The first weblog on Thomas J. Nevin's photographic work appeared at the host Blogharbor in 2003, and moved to Google Blogger and Wordpress in 2005-2007. We export documentation and research developed on the main weblog to the Wordpress CMS at Thomas J. Nevin for back-up purposes, different layout options, and wider search engine indexing. A third weblog documents aspects of Nevin's prisons and prisoner photography at Prisoner Pictures, a selection of which also appears on this site. Links within articles viewed here, therefore, will refer you back to other articles on the main weblog, in most cases.

Bear in mind that this digital publication is a log of ongoing research developed, expanded and refined by constant accretions of data over time on an increasing range of topics. In order to read the most comprehensive research on a given topic, you should consult the most recent posts, proceeding back through time to the earliest and least developed posts (see the archive from 2007 onwards). We have retained those early and least developed posts for purposes of proving copyright theft by particular individuals (see Cease and Desist notices issued, below)

Copyright status: ARR = All Rights Reserved
We hold no fiscal or personal affiliations with any public collecting institution or heritage site, nor do we recognize any claims of familial relations or ancestry associations other than those we know to be valid.

CEASE & DESIST notices for these specific individuals are current: Julia Clark; Edwin Barnard; Hamish Maxwell-Stewart; Chris Long; and  Helen Goltz for theft of our intellectual property, fraudulent representations of historic sources, and personal abuse directed at the family and descendants of photographer Thomas J. Nevin.

Copyright © KLW NFC Imprint ARR pertains to ALL research and text, and graphic and photographic images held in our private collections, and in public collections, including publications in print.

Commercial use will not be granted, should you ask. The Australian Copyright Act 1968 (the Act) allows 10% of the number of words on this website to be reproduced and/or communicated by any educational institution for its educational purposes provided that the educational institution (or the body that administers it) has given a remunerate notice to Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) under the Act. Except as permitted under the Act (for example for the services of the Crown or in reliance on one of the fair dealing exceptions i.e. fair dealing for the purposes of research or study) no part of this website may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, communicated or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission.

All enquiries should be made to copyright owner  KLW NFC Imprint.

These are dynamic and growing sites with constant changes and additions to current entries. The weblog RSS is updated daily, and every version & revision is recorded, printed and stored at the publishers. All research is original and in press. Print publication and CD production of any of these materials is prohibited. Do not make hard copies or archives. Commercial use can not be granted. Librarians please note: do not archive as preserved pages.

Disclaimer: We have not voluntarily contributed to any publication which supports the misattribution of Nevin's prisoner/convict photographs (350+ extant) to the non-photographer A.H. Boyd, nor do we condone any attempts by public institutions or private individuals to co-opt the work on these Nevin weblogs and associated sites to apply the misattribution.

Citation: Copyright © Thomas J. Nevin | Tasmanian Photographer (1842-1923) & KLW NFC Imprint 2003-2025. All rights reserved. [include specific URLS cited] Retrieved ... [and date retrieved]. Please contact the administrator for all further enquiries.

Descendant, author and webmaster of these privately owned Thomas J. Nevin weblogs - KLW NFC Imprint (current URLS below) - gratefully acknowledges the contributions and encouragement of a dedicated group of descendants of photographer Thomas J. Nevin (1842-1923), his wife Elizabeth Rachel Nevin nee Day (1847-1914) and her sister Mary Sophia Axup nee Day (1853-1942). Their children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren have provided invaluable information from their collective memory and rare memorabilia from family collections which have formed the basis since the late 1990s in developing online these three Thomas J. Nevin weblogs:-
In addition, scans, documents, and photographs from private collectors have been especially welcome.  Extensive research for these weblogs over decades has involved collecting and evaluating original archival and newspaper documentation as well as unearthing and sourcing the many hundreds of holdings of Thomas J. Nevin's photographic works in public and private collections, the pursuit of which is augmented every few months with the discovery of yet another early photograph by Thomas J. Nevin, another beautifully crafted poem by his father John Nevin snr, or more revelations about the voyages, friends and neighbours of Elizabeth Rachel Nevin's and Mary Sophia Axup's illustrious uncle, Captain Edward Goldsmith (1804-1869).

Many thanks to all contributors. Last updated December 2024.
NB: this information is subject to updates, revisions, and additions at any time.

From the KLW NFC Group

Copyright © KLW NFC Imprint 2003-2025 ARR